Free Vegetable Starter Packs of Seeds

grow seedlings in a glass house greenhouse or cold frame


Plant sweetcorn in individual pods, 2 seeds in each to aid germination.

harvest vegetables when still tender and sweet

Harvesting Vegetables

Sweet and succulent early harvest carrots.

harden off seedlings before planting

Cabbage Seedlings

Once at this stage they're ready for thinning and bringing-on.

organically protect little plants against garden pests

Kale Plant

Once seedlings are large enough to fend for themselves plant outside.

  • Carrots - I like the “Nantes”, they are easy to grow, sweet and the children love them.

  • Parsnips – “Tender & True” – This variety certainly does what it says on the tin!!! Always a fabulous large crop, producing good sized parsnips, excellent flavor.

  • Runner Beans – “Prize Winner” – excellent crop, producing a long harvest, a good all rounder.

  • Leeks –“ Musselburgh” - this is a variety that I have found never lets me down, it lasts well through the winter, remaining sweet and crisp.

  • Peas – “Hurst Green Shaft” – produces a good main crop harvest, can be picked early for sugar snap. Lovely raw or cooked.

  • Sweetcorn – F1 Prelude is a good variety, the corn stays sweeter for longer giving a good long harvest.
To get you started I will send, enclosed with your delivery, a selection of my favourite crops. Above is an example since selections may vary depending on the season.

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Home-Grown Veg!

enjoy your vegetable harvest